In The Beginning God Created...
Porta-potties? Probably not. But this is the first sign the work on our house is about to start. Like the red-breasted robin signifying spring, the blue honey bucket signifies workers are about to begin demolition. And what a delightful thing to have in the front yard.
Yesterday, shoes arrived from the dry cleaners. Shoes. Who knew I'd miss shoes so much?
I made them take back almost as much stuff as they brought. Tablecloths, linens, bedding and winter clothes, but I kept all the shoes. Based upon estimates I'm getting, it looks like we could be in this apartment about six or seven months. This feels like camping out. We have nothing on the walls and the furniture is rented. Everything is close together and kind of cramped.
I'm getting old. This wouldn't have bothered me several years ago.
When we traveled in Asia, stories were everywhere about how entire families lived in small apartments of no more than 500 square feet. They slept in shifts. Laundry hung on every balcony. It was a very common way of life.
My husband did a demo a few years ago where his class represented the world at the dinner table. Only 8% sat got a steak dinner, 92% of the class got vegetarian usually a combination of beans and rice. Some got oatmeal, some only got a piece of fruit. We forget how lucky we are.
And some (mentioning no names, please) like to be drama queens.
Congrats on the Honey Bucket delivery! My hope is there is no glitch in the scheduling and this neon blue sign of proactive developments doesn't suddenly disappear.
ReplyDeleteIt happened to us. Just as construction commenced, the port-a-potty was removed because of a glitch in the paperwork. Which almost delayed construction and... I've heard stories about cleaning the ducts.