Friday, May 21, 2010

The contractors started on the basement yesterday. Since the house has no electricity, they brought their own lights, but I couldn't figure out how to operate when I arrived late yesterday evening. All I could see was sheetrock had been pulled off two walls and studs were left standing.

My husband was impressed. The contractors asked to leave the back gate open and my husband had to explain that if our dogs got out, they weren't smart enough to come back home since they prefer to operate with the free-at-last, free-at-last game plan. There is some debate about whether or not they are bright enough to not play in traffic.

The contractors evaluated the problem, purchased a 4' x 8' piece of pressed board and created a barrier. The nice thing was we didn't even have to explain about their leaping tendencies. Child gates aren't high enough to hold them in. It's like their back legs are made of coiled springs and because their hair is long, it dances when they fly through the air, giving the impression that they are living life to the fullest. Kind of like when you were a kid and running just for the sake of running was fun.

PB and J have had control of the back yard since they were puppies. They know every inch of it. We've blocked holes under fences when they dug their way to freedom. We've got neighbors with dogs, chickens and llamas. All the animals know each other.

Our neighbor has daycare in her house and reported to us that one of her little charges assured her mother that we said it was okay for her to take one of the dogs home.

We've got plenty of chickens. She can have a chicken (or two), but I prefer to the keep the dogs as a matched set. After all, what is peanut butter without jelly?

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