Thursday, April 29, 2010


Have you ever noticed the domino effect in your life?

One thing goes bad. Everything goes bad. BTW, I've never noticed it worked in reverse. You just don't hear about people winning the lottery on Tuesday, getting the book of their heart published on Thursday and marrying the man of their dreams on Saturday. No, that would not ever be my week.

On the week I win the lottery I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack before I can deposit the check. Which gets to my week....

I have a fantasy life about the gray roots in my hair which I truly believe no one can see. Kind of like the family member who is struck blind by the refrigerator light and can't find the mayo if it is right in front of him.

As I walked into work, I could see my reflection in the door and realized if the silver halo surrounding my head was visible in bad glass then it probably wasn't quite as imaginary as I'd thought. So I colored my hair last weekend. But this time, I decided on going with a warm light brown. Toasted almond. Nice, huh? Good name - good visual.

Growing up I had the BIG crayola box so I know my colors. Toasted almond on my head turns out to be burnt sienna. Or for those of you not quite so color sensitive - ORANGE.

My husband wore a pained look each time I entered the room. Having already screwed it up once, I had my hairdresser make an emergency appointment. I now have very short hair that is sort of reddish brown. Let's hope I don't have to have surgery.

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