Tuesday, May 18, 2010

For the first time the Insurance company isn't ahead of us. Either we've caught up or they're lagging behind. But things have slowed while we wait for them to act.

But while we are waiting for them to make a decision about asbestos abatement, we have made a good discovery. Our lead paint is only on our woodwork. Apparently all that wall paper saved the walls from having to be abated. I suppose this calls for a celebration.

Demolition will begin while we wait.

My husband is frantically planting cucumbers. He has taken on a food challenge. Another chef contacted him asking for 2000 pounds of pickling cucumbers. The planting has begun. Will we have cucumbers before we move back back in?

I watched the movie 'Up' last night. Good. Fun. I had no trouble suspending my disbelief as the balloon bundle rips the house off the foundation and an 8 year old boy steers the house to exactly where he needs to be in South America with a hand-held GPS. (In remarkably short time). Real frankly my GPS can't locate my own house, so finding a water fall in South America shouldn't be a problem.

The talking dogs were totally believable as they flew dogfighter aircraft, cooked gourmet meals and yet were easily distracted by a ball or the word 'squirrel'.

But I couldn't imagine an elderly man taking a child not just across state lines but across continents without parental consent. Where was Amber Alert? So the old man and the kid have an adventure, return home in a blimp, the kid gets his merit badge. Where are the kid's parents? The mother, a divorced single parent, is sitting in the audience while her child is alone on stage. The old man arrives late but in time to save the day.

Here's the shocker. No one arrests the old man.

And this was a movie I liked. No wonder I have trouble plotting a novel.

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